Advisory and Assistance for Federal Government
STI provides A&AS to Government customers around the world, specializing in Resource Management, Contract Management, and Healthcare Operational Management support.
Our highly skilled, innovative and experienced professionals deliver state-of-the-art analytical tools and workflows to automate processes, perform special studies to identify best practices and potential material weaknesses, perform advanced analytics to facilitate decision making, and monitor key performance indicators to measure success.
World-wide Presence – We currently provide Resource Management, Contract Management, and Healthcare Operational Management support to more than 100 customers, in 40 states and U.S. territories, as well as in the European and Pacific theaters.
Services are scaled to customer requirement and range from individual locations to enterprise-wide project management and sustainment.
Skilled Staff, Demonstrated Capabilities, and Innovative Solutions – STI provides Program Managers and Analysts with expertise in our customer’s specific domain. Our services are flexible – we can scale them according to the complexity of the service delivered, on-site or remotely, and for one site or enterprise-wide. With our deep bench and vast network of contacts, we can immediately staff projects regardless of location. Retention rates are historically maintained above 95%.
Specific Services Provided – STI delivers a full range of customer-focused financial management and budget support, including compliance and audit readiness; contract management primarily through our proprietary off the shelf product—COMPASS; and through a cadre of former active duty Healthcare Service Management Administrators in all aspects of healthcare management.
Return on Investment (ROI) – Typically, DoD customers receive a minimum of a 20:1 ROI as our financial consultants are adept at identifying pockets of excess funds due inaccurate forecasting and/or performance issues.
To date, STI consultants have helped our customers identify over $250 million in cost savings and our COMPASS team has identified over $400 million in excess funds available for de-obligation.
Organizations also improve their overall financial governance through process optimization, increased audit readiness and compliance, establishment and monitoring of key performance indicators, and increased availability of accurate and timely data.
Technical Capabilities
For the past 20 years, STI has provided our Department of Defense customers with result-oriented consulting services, business intelligence, and innovative technological solutions, delivering actionable data and positive business outcomes. For example, at the Regional Health Command – Atlantic, STI developed and implemented a state-of-the-art Workflow across 14 organizations, automating and streamlining several coordination and approval processes, resulting in a reduction of processing time from 6 months to less than 2 weeks.
Resource Management
Financial Analysis Consulting (Planning, Programming, and Execution, Special Studies, Business Case Analysis) – Our consultants perform over 40 financial analysis consulting visits annually, developing tools such as Budget Execution Report to monitor and analyze all aspects of an organizational financial program.
Budget Support and Staff Augmentation – Provides turn-key Resource Manager (RM) backfill support; onboarded qualified staff within 24-hours’ notice to cover unforeseen vacancies.
Audit Readiness – Assists DoD organizations achieve audit readiness and sustainment through business process analyses, testing of established internal controls, resolving data discrepancies, and developing corrective action plans.
Uniform Business Office Assessments – Provides program management support to headquarters and base level staff through detailed analyses of Third-Party Collections (TPC), Medical Services Account (MSA), and Medical Affirmative Claim (MAC) Programs.
Medical Expense Performance Reporting System (MEPRS) – Provides commodities-based financial, manpower, and workload reviews, studies, cost benefit analyses, regulatory and policy guidance to support fact-based business planning and clinical currency decisions for 76 military treatment facilities world-wide.
Contract Management
Contract Management Planning and Surveillance System (COMPASS): Is a STI developed Business Intelligence (BI) tool specifically designed to proactively manage forecasting, execution, accounting, and administration at the Contract Line Item (CLIN) Level.
The system provides easy to use reports, automated feeds, traffic light warning features, burn rate tables, drill-down and roll-up capability, performance metrics, and much more.
COMPASS tracks purchase requests, monitors and trends expenditures, and establishes a robust, current year de-obligation process.
Easy to use browsers makes navigation and research a breeze and enables end users to display and report information with a touch of a button. COMPASS interfaces and/or imports data from many government financial and expense reporting systems to include: GFEBS, CRIS, DEAMS, iRAPT, STARS, and DMHRSi.
COMPASS supports unliquidated obligation management, demand management, category management and assists organizations measure expense performance against planned requirements utilizing a robust contract coordination and approval workflow.
Healthcare Operational Management
Healthcare Administration – STI consultants are former active duty Healthcare Service Management Administrators who have served as Tricare/Patient Administration Officers, Information Systems Officers, Resource Management Officers, Medical Logistics Officers, and Group Practice Managers. Through this experience, we can provide Program Management and Staff Augmentation support to include Health Plans Management, Facility Resources, and Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES)/Physical Evaluation Board Liaison Officer (PEBLO) functions.
Training and Education – STI consultants have conducted more than 750 on-site one-on-one and group training sessions to DoD organizations, on business process improvement, program management, and enhanced data extraction/analyses techniques. We customize training curriculums specifically to our customer needs and feedback surveys are completed at the conclusion and shared with executive leaders to enhance future training opportunities.
Manpower/Staffing – Validates civilian and contractor staff requirements as outlined in organization planning documentation; reviews planned obligations vs. actual expenses, identifies duplicity in requirements, and provides recommendations to optimize execution performance. Assess adherence to overall DoD policies and guidelines and prepare and brief leadership at all levels of an organization.